print driver not properly installed onenote 2007
(too old to reply)
2008-01-17 02:09:00 UTC
onenote 2007, vista, 32 bit.
trying to insert file as prinout. I get the error- onenote print driver not
properly installed. I've run the office diagnostics, "repaired" install,
uninstalled, reinstalled, the whole deal with no sucess.
I have been unable to find any posts anywhere which are helpful.
Any help would be greatly appreciated....
Arianna B
2008-01-25 19:27:00 UTC
I am having the exact same problem... Does anyone know how to fix this?
Post by CynthiaF
onenote 2007, vista, 32 bit.
trying to insert file as prinout. I get the error- onenote print driver not
properly installed. I've run the office diagnostics, "repaired" install,
uninstalled, reinstalled, the whole deal with no sucess.
I have been unable to find any posts anywhere which are helpful.
Any help would be greatly appreciated....
2008-03-06 19:59:04 UTC
I am having the exact same issues. I have tried everything below and am not
getting any results. I even tried Adding a Printer via the Control Panel.
When I chose "Add a local Printer", "Create a new port", I got the option to
choose "Send to MS OneNote Monitor", however when I chose this I got the
error message:

"Specified port cannot be added. Operation could not be completed. (error

I cannot find any info on this error message and am stumped as to what to
do. Could this be a conflict with another printer driver or application?

Please can anyone help?

Thanks. D.
Post by CynthiaF
onenote 2007, vista, 32 bit.
trying to insert file as prinout. I get the error- onenote print driver not
properly installed. I've run the office diagnostics, "repaired" install,
uninstalled, reinstalled, the whole deal with no sucess.
I have been unable to find any posts anywhere which are helpful.
Any help would be greatly appreciated....
2008-03-06 21:24:00 UTC
I've been searching and searching to find a fix. If you haven't already
tried it, go to this like and follow the step.


I turned out that step 3 worked for me. It was a conflict between Quickbooks
pdf printer driver and OneNotes. I deleted the Quickbooks printer and then
repaired. Not all is working fine and I've fallen in love with OneNotes all
over again.

Hope this helps.

Cheers D.
Post by CynthiaF
onenote 2007, vista, 32 bit.
trying to insert file as prinout. I get the error- onenote print driver not
properly installed. I've run the office diagnostics, "repaired" install,
uninstalled, reinstalled, the whole deal with no sucess.
I have been unable to find any posts anywhere which are helpful.
Any help would be greatly appreciated....